Out with Morsi! Out with the Military!

Marcha_EgiptoNote: This is a partial translation of the statement from Spanish.

With Morsi’s regime falling, we insist, is an important victory for the masses, & it will become the second military regime’s government to be defeated in the streets. This is true, even in the hypothesis that the mobilization, for now, does not destroy the regime, as it weakens and deepens his crisis.
As part of this fight against a Bonapartist regime, it is necessary to implement a policy of broad unity of action against the military regime and their governments. This unity of action, made from the most complete political independence of the labor movement and the revolutionary organizations, must include all democratic sectors opposed to the military regime, from youth organizations and platforms as Tamarrud, to the bosses’ parties and National Front for the Salvation of El Baradei and Amr Moussa.
In this broad unity of action, concrete and circumstantial, with all sectors “democratic” pitted against Morsi and the military, the Egyptian masses should not lose sight for a moment that, by its class character, the bourgeois parties will be inconsistent even in the subsequent confrontation with the military regime, since its economic program is also capitalist, neoliberal and submissive.
In this democratic struggle, we must also incorporate demands and concrete measures against unemployment, the general wage increase, and radical agrarian reform. This is so important because it is an indispensable stage needed for the entrance of organized Egyptian working class, one of the strongest in the region, for its the driving force for the process and its proven a tradition of struggle against Mubarak and against Morsi.
In the midst of this crisis and as part of the work in the labor movement, it is necessary to consider the possibility and necessity of a general strike that determines the fall of Morsi and the military.
Therefore, it is necessary that the entire labor movement and popular youth fight for: Down with government Morsi and the military!;! Down with the Constitution of Morsi and the military!, We demand a new Constituent Assembly to establish full freedoms & full democracy, to break all agreements with imperialism, to expropriate the assets of Mubarak and former antiquated regime!
To this we add: For an immediate and general increase of wages corresponding to the cost of the family’s budget! For an emergency economic plan and immediate reduction in working hours without reducing wages so as to guarantee jobs for all! For the expropriation of large national and multinational companies and the financial system!
Also, as seen in the demonstrations, it is posed the struggle for complete rupture with imperialism: immediate rupture of the Treaty of Camp David and the entire financial and political subordination of the Army with imperialism and Israel! No new debt of 4,800 million dollars that military & Morsi are negotiating with the bankers of Washington! No payment of the external debt & that these resources are spent on labor, health and education for the Egyptian people! Total rupture with the IMF and all the imperialist!
At the same time, the task of casting away Morsi and to destroy the military regime must be seen as a step in the direction of establishing a strategic perspective, & continuously, a government of workers, peasants, and the popular masses based on the workers and their social organizations and in their own democracy. To achieve this goal, it is essential, in the heat of the fight, to build a revolutionary and internationalist workers party!
by IWL International Secretariat

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