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British workers strike on July 10

Written by ISL – International Socialist League
Wednesday, 09 July 2014 13:10
We support all the striking unions on 10 July: NUT, GMB, Unite, Unison, PCS and FBU. Nearly 2 million public workers, including council staff, school support workers, teachers and civil servants are taking action.

·                    1% is not enough, end the wage cuts

·                    Restore pensions now

·                    Mobilise against austerity

Anger is mounting

Attacks on public sector workers are part of the government’s austerity plan to cut, close or privatise local and national public services. They say there is no money while they declare there is an economic recovery.

The big companies, banks and government know loads of money can be made out of a crisis and their onslaught will not stop unless we fight back. Low and falling pay, increasing workloads, zero hour contracts, cutting benefits and attacking immigrants are part of their programme.

Since 2011 there has been no national action while the attacks have deepen against all workers. It is nearly two years since the TUC motion supported the idea of a general strike, but nothing has happened. We should all be out on 10 July.

Such co-ordination has to be driven from below by union branches co-ordinating across unions. Build the rank and file struggle, don’t let full time officials stop or control the strike movement. Don’t let us be sold out by union leaders as we were in 2011 over pensions.

Public sector workers are facing the same battle throughout Europe, national governments and the European Union are devastating welfare provision, we have to build the international links and support because our union leaders won’t do it, despite us fighting against the same enemies.

Escalate the Action Now

Our unions need leaders that are willing to wage a serious fight. But at the beginning of July Len McCluskey announced he and Unite will give full backing to the Labour Party and use millions of pounds to support Labour in the general election. At the same time Ed Balls and the Labour Party do not support the strikes – they give tax breaks to business and refuse to re-nationalise.

How can Unite trust Labour when Miliband poses with the SUN? He prefers to court Murdoch than support workers fighting for justice. Their advice to workers is “wait for a Labour government”, but they promise to continue with the cuts, give more concessions to business and refuse to repeal the anti-union laws. Meanwhile Labour councils are planning to cut many millions for the next three years and close or sell off most council services.

There will be no way out for workers with a Labour government.

We must all to stick together, support local disputes, support communities fighting the cuts, defend our libraries, our children’s services, our mental health services.

A living wage for all.

Public ownership for all public services – they make billions out of our misery

For rank and file control of the unions

Build more nationally co-ordinated strikes.

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